Welcome. Sit back, Relax, and Enjoy Reading..after all its just us coping together

We all have ups and downs in life. Some of us were given more to handle.

Friday, November 12, 2010


We all have things going on in life. Some of us have things we can handle and some of us just need to get it out to cope. 3 years ago my husband and best friend was killed while deployed to Afghanistan. We have a daughter and both she and I sometimes even still have a hard time. I wanted to start a blog because I am sure that I am not alone.
I made the decision a little over a year ago to go back to school. This semester let me tell you I made a mistake. I decided to take 5..count them...5 classes. Big Mistake. Along with single parenting of a very active almost teenager and keeping the house running and the financial matters in order and house and all kept up I had to throw school in the mix. The last few semesters were great because I never took over 4. Now I feel sometimes like I am drowning. I feel like I don't have enough time or hands or motivation sometimes.
Also, I have chosen to start running. Not just running but running like 10k's and 5k's and training and stuff.
So, how do we as widows continue to cope. I thought I would take a crack at dating about 2 years ago. Too soon I know. I wasn't ready. I have been through failed relationship after failed relationship. I did find a guy that was a police officer and I absolutely adored him. He broke my heart. He didn't know what he wanted and it was a bad break up. He came back around recently not to date but just to apologize for how it ended. This was hard for me. I still care about him deeply and ultimately and just want to be with him but understand I cant. It's hard to understand sometimes. Like why can't I meet someone special. I have prayed and prayed because I try to be a spiritual person. I guess I am a little selfish when it comes to praying though. If I had to be honest I would say that yes I want to eventually marry a cop. Want to know why? Because I feel safe with them. Because I like the uniform and because I just want to. Dumb reasons I know. Can't help it I suppose. Figure if I can't have the cop why not someone similar.
Have to just say all of that for now and keep reading and see how I cope.

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